Policies, Procedures, & Registration
Students are expected to attend all of their classes every day. A student with excessive absences/tardies is required to have a conference with his/her parent and grade level administrator and may be subject to police citation for habitual truancy.
- Disrupting the school or classroom
- Leaving campus during school hours unless authorized by a parent/guardian
- Using profane or vulgar language or making obscene/suggestive gestures
- Making any threat to commit, attempting to commit, or committing any physical violence against school personnel or other students
- Defying the authority of adults
- Bringing wide felt-tip markers, liquid white-out, or spray cans of paint onto the campus
- Sexually harassing anyone
- Possessing a controlled substance: drugs, alcohol, tobacco and/or drug or tobacco paraphernalia
- Wearing hats or any kind of headgear at school
- Bringing skateboards, scooters, or roller blades on campus
- Possessing radios, CD players, or other electronic equipment at school
- Any behaviors deemed inappropriate by the administrative team
Ipods/Cell Phones: Although Former Governor Gray Davis lifted the ban on possession of cell phones, the disruptive use of cell phones remains prohibited. No student may disrupt the educational environment of a school by using a cell phone for reasons other than the Ed. Code intended. Cell phones may be used in medical emergencies, or in the event of a clear and present threat to the safety of all students. Cell phones are subject to confiscation by staff if the use or misuse (including showing to friends, theft, loss, etc.) disrupts the classroom or campus in any way. Also, cell phones should not be visible and must remain turned off. Cell phones that are taken away from students will be returned only to the parent or guardian. On the second offense, the student will be subject to disciplinary action. If the use of a cell phone promotes violence on campus, disciplinary action will be taken immediately.
Students, who are unable to abide by school-wide expectation thereby interfering with the learning process and the orderly school environment, will receive one or more appropriate consequences. Examples include, but are not limited to, demerits, detention, referral to ACE (Alternate Classroom Experience), referral to a counselor or grade level administrator, parent conference, on-campus or home suspension, suspension to the Truancy Center, disciplinary transfer to another high school, or expulsion from the CUSD.
The following behaviors will result in suspension, alternative placement, and/or referral to the CUSD Guidance Committee for expulsion:
- Physical injury to another person
- Possession of firearms, knives, explosives, other dangerous objects or toys/replicas of these objects
- Selling, possession, or use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco
- Robbery or extortion
- Damage to or theft of school property
- Obscene acts or use of profanity
- Sexual harassment
Fighting is not tolerated at Centennial. If you are having problems with another student, you are responsible for immediately notifying an adult staff member on campus. Students who fight will face the standard CUSD mandatory suspension from school. In addition, they will be subject to citation and/or arrest by the CPD. Students who are arrested must appear in court with their parents/guardians.
- Use Appropriate Voice
- Use Appropriate Language
- Listen to Others When They Are Speaking
- Get Permission to Leave Class
- Be on Time
- Bring Materials To Class
- Stay on Task And Complete All Assignments
- Ask For Help
- Keep Hands And Feet To Yourself
- Adhere To Safety Dress Code
- No Horse Playing
- Follow Internet Safety Rules
417 West Alondra Boulevard, Compton C.A 90220 (310) 639-4321 EXTENSION 63044
- Picture Identification of the Parent or Legal Guardian (REQUIRED)
- Proof of Residence within the school boundaries (REQUIRED)-ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:
- must be in the name of the Parent/Guardian Registering the Student
- Property tax Payment
- Utility service(Electricity, Gas, and/or Water),Current Utility Bill
- Rent payment Receipts with Lease Agreement
- Notarized Affidavit of Residency (CSUD Form Only) executed by the parent/ legal guardian and owner/renter of property, accompanied by one of the above- named documents such as a current Electricity, Gas and/or Water Bill in the owner/renter's name.
- Proof of Age (REQUIRED)
- Birth Certificate
- Baptismal Certificate with official seal
- Foster Placement to show Guardianship
- Immigration Certificate
- Notarized affidavit from the Parent/Guardian
- Proof of Immunizations (REQUIRED)
- Polio
- Diphtheria, Tetanus, and pertussis
- measles, mumps, Rubella (MMR)
- Hepatitis B
- Varicella
- TB Testing (Mantoux)
- Physical exam results required Kindergarten & 1st grade students.
- Scholastic records that will include (REQUIRED where applicable)
- Unofficial Transcripts/Report Cards
- STAR Test Results
- IEP and Triennial Report
- CELDT Results
- GATE Assessment Records
- Section 504 records Check out papers/PAr from last school attended (1-12th grade)
Parent/Guardian may submit a NCR duplicate or carbon copy, or photocopy after showing the original copy of the document