Parents Center
Follow the Parent Center on Instagram and Twitter!
Regular updates include resources, news, and events happening at the school and in the community posted in both English and Spanish.
Instagram: @centennialhighparentcenter
Twitter: @centennialhpc
¡Siga el Centro de Padres en Instagram y Twitter!
Las actualizaciones periódicas incluyen recursos, noticias y eventos que ocurren en la escuela y en la comunidad publicados en inglés y español.
Instagram: @centennialhighparentcenter
Twitter: @centennialhpc
In an effort to ensure that you are not missing out on any school updates, news, resources, and parent events/workshops sent out through the parent portal ParentSquare, we want to be able to connect you to the ParentSquare app if you do not have it already on your phone. ParentSquare messages can be received through your e-mail, a text via your cell phone, or by downloading the app on your phone. Please call or text Ms. Rodriguez at (562)390-0838 if you do NOT already receive school messages from the school, and would like to do so.
Thank you!
QR Codes
• ParentSquare iOS App Download
• ParentSquare Android App Download
The Parent Center is…
designed for parents to have a place to meet and carry out the operational procedures of the school.
provides space to have activities and classes as requested through the Parent Survey.
located in Room 53/54 providing access to and from the campus through the main entrance in Central Avenue, therefore allowing easy accessibility to parents and parent volunteers.
The following activities are provided in the Center:
Parent volunteer meetings to receive assignments for the day
Parent information is available on community services in the area
Parenting classes to assist in the development of positive parenting skills.
Parent classes to help with homework, understanding content standards, state and local tests, graduation requirements and other school related activities and topics.
Parenting classes to develop skills using the computer and the internet, arts and crafts, knitting and crocheting.
Parent field trips and conferences which providing them with learning opportunities to share with their children.
Parent training and educational classes are offered to provide skill training and necessary knowledge to enable parent opportunities to hone their parenting skills and successfully participate in their various roles of committee members and educational liaisons to our community. Parenting workshops cover many topics including, but not limited to, discipline, homework help, how to improve study skills, positive self-talk and images, School Site Council, English Language Advisory Council and School Advisory Council training. All meetings are hosted in both English and Spanish when necessary. The Parent Center also publishes a monthly newsletter and provides the venue to host monthly Council, Coffee with the Principal.
Have any questions or concerns? Please do not hesitate to contact one of the Parent Center staff members!
We have put together a resource guide to help families navigate the available resources and help that is provided within the community.
Click on the button below to access the resource guide.
- Nancy Bravo - Senior CRS/ Community Schools Program
(310)635-2715 ext.66270